In utero exposure of rats to Wi-Fi signal: Teratological and Toxicological Effects.

Category: Animal experiments


In utero exposure of rats to Wi-Fi signal: Teratological and Toxicological Effects.




The new generation being the first one to be exposed from childhood to the RF fields emitted by numerous sources of RF and the scientific knowledge on this subject being still limited, the aim of the INUTER project is to investigate the effects of in utero repeated exposures of rats to a Wi-Fi signal, on development, DNA alterations, and presence of stress indicators. 




Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes

IMS – Laboratory of Bioelectromagnetism – Bordeaux



Bernard Billaudel       CNRS / IMS laboratory

[email protected]



24 months





1) Introduction

The new generation being the first one to be exposed from pregnancy or chilhood to the RF fields emitted by numerous sources of RF, it is justified to address the question of the sensi-tivity of young organisms to this type of environmental exposure. The available scientific knowledge on the effects of early and repeated RF exposures to the new wireless communication signals, in particular on young organisms, is still limited. It is thus important to provide additional data on the effects of exposure to a Wi-Fi signal on development (teratology), alterations of DNA (genotoxicity) and the presence of stress markers (Hsp70 and neoantigens). These data will contribute to health risk assessment and be part of the WHO data-base. This project is in line with the topic of the present call for proposals entitled “Experimental studies in animal models” and is focused on the effects of in utero exposure. It also follows the RF WHO agenda requiring more studies of the effects of prenatal RF exposure, including genotoxic endpoints.


2) State of the art

At a scientific level, there are few data on the effects of in utero exposure of young animals to wireless communication signals such as Wi-Fi. A recent study suggested that in utero expo-sure to another RF signal could lead to genotoxic effects in pups. Furthermore, no studies on teratology have been performed using low-SAR repeated exposures during gestation.


3) Scientific methodology

A new Wi-Fi exposure system is available in the laboratory, which allows for whole-body exposures of free-moving animal (reverberating chamber). We will use it to assess whether an in utero exposure may disrupt the development of young rats, lead to residual genotoxic effects, or more indirect toxicity through the formation of toxic neoantigens or the production of stress proteins.


4) Partnership, skills

The Bioelectromagnetics laboratory has more than 20 years of experience in the study of biological effects of electromagnetic fields on both cells and animals.


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