Category: Metrology, dosimetry


Recherche Approfondie sur le développement d’un Dosimètre Individuel Optimisé





In order to answer the combined requests of the WHO, the AFSSET and the epidemiologists, Antennessa has developed a selective epidemiologic dosimeter for the electromagnetic field. The first validations, carried out in particular by the HPA, showed the coherence of the product, but also revealed some weaknesses. In this project, we propose to carry on studies aiming at improving these dosimeters.








Yann Toutain    ANTENNESSA

[email protected]



12 months





1) Introduction

In spite of the establishment of threshold exposure and their taking into account in the legislation, most interrogations of the general public remain focused on the field level radiated by the base stations. To understand the real people exposure, it is essential to have tools allowing a precise evaluation of the contribution of each user of the spectrum.


2) State of the art

In order to answer a recurring request formulated in particular by the WHO, ANTENNESSA has developed a selective dosimeter for electromagnetic fields. This system has been studied throughout Europe (HPA, ARCS…) and France (INERIS, AFSSE…). It was namely judged as a relevant tool for the realization of future epidemiological studies. However, concerns have been raised concerning its size, weight, capacity to measure multiple signals, minimal detection threshold etc…


3) Scientific methodology

To answer these expectations, Antennessa would like to benefit from the foundation call in order to propose a project for the improvement of the dosimeter. The improvements would first address 4 important points:

  1. Reduction in the size
  2. Increase in the dynamics of measurement
  3. Better response to the multiple and/or modulated signals
  4. Rise in frequency to take into account the emergence of the new standards.


4) Partnership, skills

This project is based on the collaboration of two partners: SME ANTENNESSA which is leader on the project, and the Research laboratory LEST-ENSTB. These two entities have already participated together in research projects (RNRT ADONIS for instance), and more specifically on topics of interest for the foundation. In this project, the LEST-ENSTB will be more in charge of the research and validation phases while ANTENNESSA will be responsible for the development itself.


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