Professional exposure to Electromagnetic Waves

Category: Metrology, dosimetry


Professional exposure to Electromagnetic Waves





Because of the new communication technologies the number of mobile base stations is increasing. Although no notorious effect is proven, the research of the medical effects of these waves requires continuing studies. This project assesses feasibility of a French workers’ epidemiological study. Especially the occupational exposure is measured.




UMRESTTE – Equipe Environnement et accidentologie


AGEMETRA-AST – Services inter-entreprises



Amélie Massardier-Pilonchéry   UMRESTTE

[email protected]



12 months (1st part)





1) Introduction

Near mobile transmitter, lot of other radio frequencies’ antennas are located (broadcasting, remote transmission, safety services…). On these sites, a regular maintenance and various interventions are necessary. Radiation hazards associated with cellular base station could be collected only by studying most exposed people. Actually the risk is assessed as very weak. We will conduct a feasibility study with an exposed French workers follow-up. We will try to evaluate the individual exposure of these employees in term of radio frequencies.

Key words: Professional exposure, personal dosimetry, radio frequencies, base station antennas.


2) State of the art

Studies were carried out in particular in mobile phones users and on base station antennas exposure. In the general population, base station exposure is negligible compare to exposure from all others sources. Measurements must be carried out at most exposed in order to assess exact possible hazards. Few studies evaluate the individual professional exposure quantitatively. The distance to the base station is not an adequate surrogate to assess exposure. Static measurements on site do not hold account of the work’s reality. The best approach is thus individual dosimetry with job observational study.

Our study is thus the first stage of a cohort worker follow-up through the establishment of a job-exposure matrix. The purpose of our study is to obtain a correct evaluation of the exposure and also of the risk, to start a suitable follow-up for exposed workers.


3) Scientific methodology

The first step will be the study of the working stations and the development of a protocol of measurement. The second step will be a measurement of the total exposure and especially targeted on the most exposed body zones. The analysis of the results will allow us to quantify the professional exposure, to purpose a job-exposure matrix and future adequate cohort follow-up.


4) Partnership, skills

Several partners will take part in this project. Institutions involved are cited before. Occupational doctors of these institutions regularly follow potential exposed employees. It will permit to recruit our cohort. In the same time of exposure assessment, the analysis of work with the ergonomic assistance will be performed, it is essential to exclude bias. The epidemiological service with statistical competences and technical experience on radiofrequency will allow the analysis and interpretation of the results, and supervise the study.

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